a biblical solution to the bedbug infestation terrorizing america from ‘the...
With all of the news surrounding the apparent bedbug infestation spreading across America, from the United Nations and the Waldorf Astoria in New York to out here in Los Angeles, I was reminded that...
View Articlemy choice for worst christian song ever: ancient words
Rod of Alexandria has begun a meme asking different bloggers to choose the worst Christian song in existence and describe why it is so abhorrent to them. Those who know me know that I have been no fan...
View Articleand the golden turd award for religious exploitation goes to…
you must read this post. i don’t know whether to laugh or cry… And the winner is? Drum roll please…. Paula White. Usually, Paula is doing some serious BS with the calendar and the feast days of ancient...
View Articleezekiel 23:20 is now apparently a drink at a new zealand pub
Scott Bailey has the story of the day: A pub in New Zealand has introduced horse semen to its drinks menu, a stomach-churning addition tinged with the wholesome flavour of apple. Yeah… ’cause ‘Apple’...
View Articleepic fail: real housewives of the bible (and why i love scott bailey’s blog)
I love Scotteriology (Scott Bailey’s Blog). In addition to being a former NHL player (and despite being a Canadian ;-), he’s a got a wicked sense of humor and a sharp eye for critical biblical...
View Articlesouthern christianity, nascar, product placement, and a smokin’ hot wife
if this is not the epitome of selling out christianity for product profitability and popularity, then i don’t know what is. i shake my head… [HT: MPT] Filed under: christianity, i'm not making this up,...
View ArticleForget Same-Sex Marriage: Southern Church Prohibits BLACK Wedding
This is UN-FRIGGING-BELIEVABLE! Forget about same-sex marriage: some southern Christians still can’t get past BLACK weddings!! ABC News is reporting that First Baptist Church in Crystal Springs,...
View ArticleAnd then there’s this: FRESNO is Forbes’ Dirtiest City in America for 2012
Just when you thought all my family and friends back in California’s San Joaquin Valley had it rough enough, there’s this: Forbes Magazine has named the FRESNO-MADERA metropolitan area the dirtiest...
View ArticleMy Opinion of the New UC Logo: It Sucks
The University of California has a new logo. It’s supposed to be better for online icons (especially small ones). The problem is, it sucks. I mean, it’s really bad. NPR did a story. Even the stylish...
View ArticleWell THAT was fast: UC drops awful new logo
I must hand it to the regents of the University of California: they DO listen to their faculty and alums when it comes to the image of its universities. Word today is that the UC system has DROPPED all...
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